Take the first step towards an exciting career!
In today’s competitive workplace, you need your skills and experience to stand out from the rest. At GeSS Education your course will cover key skills that can be used across a broad range of industries and sectors. You’ll be mentored by some of the Education Industry’s best.

Not only will you have the opportunity to gain credit into further studies with leading universities, but also give your future job prospects a competitive edge!

So, take the first exciting step. You have our full support to help you achieve your career goals!
We look forward to supporting you throughout this wonderful journey.

Best wishes,
Cristine Russell

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John Karas

John Karas GeSS Education-07

We are excited for John to join GeSS Education after undertaking a course as a student and now assisting our health trainers deliver the same qualification. John comes with an extensive career in sales, business development and customer service that is an essential quality in his transition over to being a trainer and assessor for our health qualifications.
• Certificate III in Individual Support
• Certificate IV in Training and Assessment -currently undertaking