School Leavers – where to from here??
This is the question we ask ourselves at the end of each year, but this year it is even more significant as we say goodbye to the last decade and welcome the next one.
For those of you that have just finished school, this is even more daunting because we live in a world of instant gratification. Yet the next step, whether it be undertaking further study or looking for employment, will take longer than you may think. But this has its benefits. The feeling of gratification that comes so quickly – fades just as quick. For example, the feeling you get when your favourite foods are consumed over Xmas, and the sharing of gifts and end of year celebrations have been exhausted. Ask yourselves one week after the holidays – where are those feelings now? For most of us – they have faded and the question is still there – where to from here? As human beings, we tend to only appreciate those things that take more time to achieve. Reflect on this for a moment – what do you truly appreciate from your High School years – is it the achieving of good grades, which meant a lot of preparation and study; or was it the long preparation for graduation, formals and schoolies? Either way, it was more gratifying because of the journey – correct?
So, where to from here – If you have not been blessed with knowing exactly what you want to do for the next decade at an early age, then consider this when you search for your next step. Work on being fully prepared for either University or to start a career. You can do this by undertaking a vocational Diploma and then pathway on to University, it may take you an extra 6 months to finish all of your study BUT you will be prepared for your next phase of job hunting. Better yet, you will be ready for work either in Australia or overseas and have 2 Certificates to add to your CV. “Unfortunately, students that go straight on to University after finishing school have a much higher first-year dropout rate than mature aged students,” says Ms Russell, Managing Director of GeSS Education. “with next year being my 25th year in the educational sector, I can say from experience that students who do a vocational course prior to going to Uni are better prepared from an academic and time management point of view, students are also more mature and have been exposed to a taste of what Uni content will be like and can make a more informed choice of their degree course”.
With continual changes to future employment opportunities both locally and globally, students need to be prepared for roles that have not even been thought of yet. How do we do that though? Based at the iconic Australia Fair in Southport, GeSS Education provides Internships for selected courses as well as ongoing professional development programs that all students can access, as a way of providing answers to this question. These programs are so varied and can include topics such as robotics and coding to networking skill development and business etiquette.
“Corporate professional development and practical work experience on top of the units students undertake within one of our courses will prepare students for any diversified workplace or University; plus, they will receive credit into their University degree. Essentially, it will give students skills in management, problem-solving, customer service, academic writing, critical and creative thinking, and much more.” Ms Russell said. “We also only deliver courses that are recognised statistically to lead to future employment opportunities – but with our preparation strategies, our graduates will be prepared for any type of employment or life-long learning experiences”.