Christmas Greetings from the GeSS Education Team
Another year goes by and another Xmas is before us and as usual at this time of year we all tend to reflect on how the year has progressed and what is in store for us for next year. At GeSS Education we are all pumped at the moment because 2022 is gearing up to be a very exciting year for us and the sector. With international students returning to Australia this means that our campus will eventually be 50/50 ratio of domestic (local) to international students for which was our aim when we opened in January 2020. Currently we are 80% domestic and have thrived with our training for Certificate courses in Business, Allied Health, Aged Care, Home & Community, Disability, and Hospitality with a record of over 95% job placement for our graduates. For which we are very proud of because that is our main vision for GeSS Education.
“Provide a variety of qualifications with attention to quality resources and student support that will lead to much needed employment opportunities for our graduates”.
Our reputation for providing quality training that focuses on the practical/reality training is going strong. Our students are sought after because they have continuous weekly practical training in a simulated environment over at least 20 weeks. Due to this delivery method, we now have a full breadth of NDIS providers and Aged Care facilities assisting us with placement and we literally cannot keep up with the employees they require.
While some people are looking for quick, easy, and very cheap education options; we at GeSS Education are looking for students that want to gain rewarding employment at the end of their course. The ideal student wants to still have fun, have a flexible timetable, be studying in a nurturing loving environment and be fully prepared for the workplace. Our ideal student wants to learn and strive to be the best they can be. They don’t want to commence a job and feel overwhelmed, they want to be prepared, and that is what our training is all about.
We have also found success with our Diploma courses proving popular with both Domestic and International students, and most importantly happy students. Our Diploma of Sports and Certificates in Fitness are very popular with High School students and we have now introduced the new Diploma of Business and Diploma of Travel & Tourism Management and enquiries are going strong. What a great opportunity for High School students, at the end of Year 12 they come away with their QCE as well as a Certificate and/or Diploma which gives them credit straight into University. This not only saves them money on their degree but also enhances their Resume. Speaking of Universities, our packaged partnership with Griffith University has been one of the highlights of the year. To be chosen as a packaged partner with Griffith University gives testament to the quality of our programs.
You may not be aware of this, but GeSS Education started out as predominantly a resource development company, supplying student resources and compliance management to many colleges. Hence our strong relationships with our partner RTOs. Since opening our Gold Coast Campus, we have been busy writing and developing our new Certificate resources and enhancing our online system. Which is a never-ending project. Our GeSS LMS team have outdone themselves this year with the introduction of many new interactive add-ons and we are currently delivering an online Introduction to Occupational Therapy in South Korea and they are loving it.
Our choice of qualifications to deliver is always centered around employment opportunities, therefore we added Travel & Tourism and Community Services to our offering for 2021 via our new partner CBC Institute. For 2022, we will be adding new courses such as screen and media, cyber security, medical administration, and further Certificate IV options in the health sector, along with a Professional Year Program via our new partner Indus Institute.
So, as 2021 comes to a close, my thoughts turn to once again gratitude for the year that we have had; for the wonderful team we have built; for our dedicated partners, Agents and industry colleagues; and gratitude for what lies ahead for 2022.
From Suz and I and the team at GeSS Education we wish you joy and blessings for not only the Christmas holiday but for 2022. Stay safe and we will see you in the new year!!!
Best wishes,
Cristine Russell | Founder & Managing Director, GeSS Education
Phone: 07 5559 1605
Mobile: 0421 951 693
Email: [email protected]
Address: Level 8, Australia Fair, 36 Marine Parade, Southport QLD 4215
Website: www.gesseducation.edu.au